




  Jordan » Jor

  Place » Outdoors

Jordan » JOR
Place » Outdoors

Wadi Musa, Jordan

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Al-Siq is a narrow gorge located in the city of Wadi Musa, Jordan, and serves as the main entrance to the ancient city of Petra. Al-Siq is the primary access point to Petra, leading visitors from the modern city of Wadi Musa to the archaeological site. The path through the Siq is a dramatic and memorable experience, building anticipation as you approach the famous Treasury Al-Khazneh at the end of the gorge.

Wadi Rum Protected Area
Jordan » JOR
Place » Outdoors


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Wadi Rum, also known as the Valley of the Moon, is a protected desert wilderness area located in the southern part of Jordan, close to the border with Saudi Arabia. It is part of the larger Wadi Rum Protected Area. It is known for its stunning and unique desert landscapes, red sand dunes, towering sandstone mountains, and ancient petroglyphs.