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Hoang Lien Son Hoang Lien Son
Viet Nam

Last Updated: 05/31/2024

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The Hoang Lien Son Mountain Range, also known as the Hoàng Liên Mountains, is a prominent mountain range located in northern Vietnam. The Hoang Lien Mountains extends from the southwest to the northeast of northern Vietnam, primarily in the provinces of Lào Cai and Lai Châu. It forms part of the larger Annamite Range, which spans the Indochinese Peninsula.
The most famous peak in the range is Fansipan, which is the highest mountain in Vietnam and often referred to as the "Roof of Indochina" with an elevation of 3,147.3 meters (10,326 feet). Other significant peaks include Pu Ta Leng and Pu Si Lung.

The range is known for its rich biodiversity and is home to various unique plant and animal species, some of which are endemic to the area.

The Hoang Lien Son Mountain Range hosts the Hoang Lien National Park, which protects many rare species and diverse ecosystems, including subtropical evergreen forests and montane forests.

The region is inhabited by several ethnic minority groups, such as the Hmong, Dao, and Tay, who have distinct cultures and traditions.

The town of Sa Pa, located at the foot of the Hoang Lien Son Mountains, is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful terraced rice fields, cultural diversity, and as a base for treks to Fansipan and other parts of the range.

The Hoang Lien Son Mountain Range plays a vital role in the natural and cultural heritage of Vietnam, providing opportunities for eco-tourism and cultural exploration while also serving as a critical area for conservation efforts.
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  Hoang Lien Son