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Manila Manila

Last Updated: 06/21/2023

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Manila is a small community located in Humboldt County, California. It is situated on the Samoa Peninsula, just west of Eureka and adjacent to the Pacific Ocean. The community is known for its coastal location and natural beauty. The population was 798 at the 2020 census
Manila is surrounded by scenic landscapes, including sandy beaches, coastal dunes, and marshes. The Manila Dunes Recreation Area is a popular destination for outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, beachcombing, and picnicking. The dunes offer unique opportunities to explore a diverse ecosystem and observe wildlife.

The community of Manila also has a rich history tied to the timber and fishing industries. In the past, it served as a hub for the logging operations and housed workers and their families. Today, Manila is a residential area with a mix of permanent residents and vacation homes.

Manila is also home to the Humboldt Coastal Nature Center, operated by the Friends of the Dunes organization. The nature center provides educational exhibits, guided walks, and programs to promote environmental awareness and conservation.

Visitors to Manila can enjoy the peaceful coastal ambiance, take part in outdoor recreation, and experience the natural wonders of the area. Whether it's exploring the dunes, enjoying the beach, or learning about the local environment, Manila offers a unique coastal experience in Humboldt County, California.

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