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Cu Lao Phu Quy Cu Lao Phu Quy
Binh Thuan, Vietnam

Last Updated: 05/06/2024

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Cu Lao Phu Qua½ is a small island located about 100 km from Phan Thiet city, Vietnam. Only the rocky, northern half of the island is inhabited, with a population of 20,698 people.

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  Vietnam » Binh Thuan

  Place » Island


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Cu Lao Cau
Place » Island

Cu Lao Cau is an island located in Binh Thua­n. Vietnam.

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Binh Thua­n. Vietnam
Binh Thuan
Place » City

Binh Thuan is a province of Vietnam. It is located on the country's South Central Coast. It is sometimes seen as part of the Southeast region. The province is known for its scenery and beaches. There are also a number of sites of archaeological significance. Binh Thua­n had a population of 1,170,700 people in 2007.

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  Cu Lao Phu Quy