




  Vietnam » Vn

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Song Hong
Vietnam » VN
Place » Outdoors

Viet Nam

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The Sông Hồng, also known as the Red River, is one of the most significant rivers in Vietnam. It flows from southwestern China through northern Vietnam, playing a crucial role in the region's history, culture, and economy. The Red River forms a vast delta in northern Vietnam, which is one of the most fertile and densely populated areas in the country.

Hoang Lien Son
Vietnam » VN
Place » Outdoors

Viet Nam

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The Hoang Lien Son Mountain Range, also known as the Hoàng Liên Mountains, is a prominent mountain range located in northern Vietnam. The Hoang Lien Mountains extends from the southwest to the northeast of northern Vietnam, primarily in the provinces of Lào Cai and Lai Châu. It forms part of the larger Annamite Range, which spans the Indochinese Peninsula.

Day Nui Truong Son
Vietnam » VN
Place » Outdoors


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The Trường Sơn Mountains, also known as the Annamite Range, is a significant mountain range in Southeast Asia that extends through several countries, primarily Vietnam and Laos, with a small part in Cambodia. This mountain range plays an essential role in the region's geography, ecology, and history.