




  San Joaquin County » Sjc

  Place » Outdoors

SJ River National Wildlife Refuge
San Joaquin County » SJC
Place » Outdoors

2714 Dairy Rd, Vernalis, CA 95385

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San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge is managed with a focus on migratory birds, endangered species, and riparian and wetland habitat restoration. Through rigorous efforts at the refuge, there is hope the highly-endangered riparian brush rabbit will one day join the Aleutian cackling goose as a fully-recovered species.

Mokelumne River Day Use Area
San Joaquin County » SJC
Place » Outdoors

25800 N Mcintire Rd, Clements, CA 95227

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The Mokelumne River Day Use Area is a popular access point to the Mokelumne River and for visitors to the Mokelumne River Fish Hatchery. Popular activities include picnicking, strolling along trails, fishing for steelhead and salmon, and wading and swimming. This park also affords rafting access to a beautiful stretch of river downstream.