Bear Flag Farm, perfectly situated in charming Winters, California, is a sprawling, deeply picturesque vineyard estate that captures the artisan spirit of its native surrounds with sustainable harvests, visionary weddings, and luxury service all rolled up into one delicious experience.
Putah Creek Wildlife Area is 673 acres of gently sloping to steep hillsides of cottonwood riparian, blue oak woodland, and chamise chaparral natural communities. Just a few of the species supported by these habitats include California towhee, Bullock's oriole, and black-headed grosbeak.
Stebbins Cold Canyon Natural Reserve is a scenic nature reserve located in the foothills of the Coast Range Mountains, northwest of Winters, California. It is part of the University of California Natural Reserve System. It offers a tranquil escape into nature, where visitors can enjoy hiking, wildlife watching, and learning about the unique ecosystems of Northern California's foothills.