Lake Istokpoga is a stunning natural attraction located in Highlands County, Florida. It is one of the state’s largest and most ecologically significant lakes, known for its scenic beauty and excellent fishing opportunities. The surface area is approximately 26,762 acres, making it Florida's fifth-largest lake and the depth is relatively shallow, with an average depth of about 4-6 feet and a maximum depth of around 10 feet.
Highlands County, Florida, is a scenic region located in the heart of the Sunshine State. Established in 1921, it is part of the South Central Florida area and known for its mix of natural beauty, agricultural lands, and small-town charm. As of the 2020 census, the population was 101,235. Its county seat is Sebring.
Lake Placid is a town located in Highlands County, Florida. Lake Placid is often referred to as the Town of Murals because it is known for its numerous outdoor murals that adorn buildings throughout the town. As of the 2020 census, the population was 2,360.