




  Panama » Pan

  Place » Tourism

Bocas del Toro
Panama » PAN
Place » Tourism

Bocas del Toro, Panama

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Bocas del Toro is a province located in the northwest of Panama, known for its beautiful beaches, stunning natural scenery, and vibrant culture. Bocas del Toro comprises the mainland and nine main islands.

Fort San Lorenzo
Panama » PAN
Place » Tourism

Colón, Panama

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Chagres, once the chief Atlantic port on the isthmus of Panama, is now an abandoned village at the historical site of Fort San Lorenzo. The fort's ruins and the village site are on a promontory overlooking the mouth of the Chagres River.

San Blas Islands
Panama » PAN
Place » Tourism


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The San Blas islands are a group of islands in the archipelago de San Blas, located in the Northwest of Panama facing the Caribbean Sea.