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Stone Tower Stone Tower
Cooke Rd, Lynn, MA 01904
☎ +1 781-477-7123

Last Updated: 05/13/2024

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The Stone Tower was built in 1936 as a fire watch tower and sits approximately 50 feet above the highest point in Lynn Woods Reservation. The Tower is constructed of stone and mortar, circular in plan and approximately thirty feet in diameter.
The first floor is a fifteen foot high cube base with an exterior stone balustrade and concrete stair wrapping around the entrance corner and one side of the base. These stairs lead to the upper tower, a vertical-walled, four-story octagonal shaft with identical arched window openings at every level. A cast iron spiral stair links the second, third and fourth floors from within. Stone Tower offers impressive views of Lynn's waterfront as well as Boston’s skyline.

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  Massachusetts » Lynn

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Lynn, Massachusetts, is a city located in Essex County, just north of Boston. Lynn has a rich history dating back to the colonial era. It was originally settled in 1629 and incorporated as a town in 1631, making it one of the oldest settlements in Massachusetts. The population was 101,253 at the 2020 United States census.

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  Stone Tower