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Valley of the Kings Valley of the Kings
Luxor, Luxor Governorate 1340420, Egypt

Last Updated: 10/23/2023

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The Valley of the Kings is a famous archaeological site located on the west bank of the Nile in the Luxor Governorate of Egypt. It is renowned for being the burial place of many ancient Egyptian pharaohs and nobles from the New Kingdom period.
- Location: The Valley of the Kings is situated on the west bank of the Nile River, near the city of Luxor - ancient Thebes. It is part of the Theban Necropolis, which also includes the Valley of the Queens and various other tombs and mortuary temples.

- Historical Significance: The valley served as a burial ground for pharaohs and prominent individuals during the New Kingdom period - around 16th to 11th centuries BCE. It is considered one of the most important and iconic archaeological sites in Egypt.

- Tombs: The Valley of the Kings contains over 60 rock-cut tombs, many of which were constructed for pharaohs, queens, and high-ranking officials. The tombs were built underground to protect the deceased and their treasures from tomb robbers.

- Tutankhamun's Tomb: The tomb of Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, is one of the most famous discoveries in the Valley of the Kings. It was unearthed by British archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922 and contained a wealth of artifacts and treasures.

- Decoration: The walls of the tombs are adorned with intricate paintings, hieroglyphics, and scenes depicting the journey of the deceased through the afterlife. These decorations provide valuable insights into ancient Egyptian beliefs and rituals.

- Tomb Architecture: The architecture of the tombs varies, but they typically consist of a series of corridors, chambers, and burial chambers. Some tombs are more complex and extensive than others.

- Visiting the Valley: The Valley of the Kings is a popular tourist destination and an important part of Egypt's cultural heritage. Visitors can explore some of the open tombs, but access to certain tombs may be restricted due to preservation efforts.

- Conservation Efforts: Preservation and conservation efforts are ongoing to protect the fragile decorations and structures within the tombs. Some tombs may be periodically closed to visitors to allow for restoration work.

- Archaeological Discoveries: The Valley of the Kings continues to yield new discoveries and insights into ancient Egyptian history. Archaeologists and researchers regularly study the site to learn more about the lives and beliefs of the people buried there.

- UNESCO World Heritage Site: The Valley of the Kings, along with other archaeological sites in the area, has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979 in recognition of its cultural significance and historical value.

The Valley of the Kings remains a testament to the grandeur and intricate rituals of ancient Egyptian funerary practices. Its well-preserved tombs and remarkable artistry continue to captivate visitors and researchers from around the world.
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  Valley of the Kings