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Wangxian Valley Town
China » Jiangxi
Place » Historical Place

Guangxin District, Shangrao, Jiangxi, China, 334104

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Reputed as a real-life version of a fantasy world, Wangxian Valley offers a profound journey through the harmonious trio of natural landscapes, human heritage, and legendary tales that transcends the ordinary. Here, it invites all who wander its paths to step into a story where every nook is a verse, every vista a painting, and every moment an ode to the enduring dance of nature, culture, and myth.

China » Jiangxi
Place » City


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Jiangxi, a southeastern province in China, is known for its idyllic landscapes of rice paddies, rivers, and mountains. Nestled around the Gan River valley, it has historically served as a significant passage on major north-south trade routes. Its capital is Nanchang and its major cities include Nanchang and Jiujiang. Jiangxi's population was 45,188,635 in 2020.